Octopus mini - Simple SSL Monitoring

Mar 28, 2023 at 10:00:00

Octopus mini is a super simple website certificates monitoring tool we made for developers.


Certificates Information

Octopus mini uses OpenSSL to get the certificate information:

Subject Name

  • Country & Region
  • State or Province
  • Locality
  • Organization
  • Common Name

Issuer Name

  • Country or Region
  • Organization
  • Common Name
  • Serial Number
  • Version
  • Algorithm
  • Not Before Date
  • Not After Date

Connection Information

Octopus mini uses cURL and nghttp2 to get the connection information:

HTTP Information

  • Host
  • Redirections
  • HTTP Version
  • HTTP Status Code
  • Download Speed & Size


  • Name Lookup Time
  • TCP Connect Time
  • SSL Handshake Time
  • First Byte Time
  • Total Download Time

Responser Header

SSL Monitoring

Octopus mini can monitor the expiry date of the website's certificate in background mode daily if you turn on the alert in settings. You will get a local notification if a certificate was going to expire soon (less than 7 days) or has already expired.
